Chronically Confident Community
Chronically Confident
28 - Post-Graduation Reflections: Battling Imposter Syndrome, Changing Fields & Embracing Uncertainty

28 - Post-Graduation Reflections: Battling Imposter Syndrome, Changing Fields & Embracing Uncertainty

In this episode, I share my post-graduation reflections on my decision to change fields, why it’s important to embrace uncertainty, and how to stop letting imposter syndrome stop you from taking action. 

  • 0:40 - Post graduation debriefing

  • 4:16 - Changing fields and embracing uncertainty

  • 15:28 - Understanding and battling imposter syndrome

  • 19:20 - Owning your skillset

  • 24:20 - Getting ready for  the next phase

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Chronically Confident Community
Chronically Confident
Join me as I confidently navigate life's challenges while practising radical self-acceptance.